• 12 Mar. 2018

    We welcomed our visitors at the Small-Forest-Railway-Day with a festival timetable and an extended programme offer in Csömödér on 24th June 2017. The event was organised this time with the support of the National Cultural Fund and as the part of the „GO IN NATURE” project of the Interreg V-A Slovenia–Hungary Cooperation Programme; therefore we could have the possibility to expand this international ceremony organised near the triple border of Hungary-Slovenia-Croatia to an international event and to make this event even more colourful with folks cultural performances.

    The almost five hundred guests arriving either by forest railway from the direction of Lenti and Kistolmács or by car were welcomed by Ferenc Kovács, deputy general manager, production manager and then Péter Cseresnyés and László Vigh MPs and Ministerial Commissioners made their inaugurals expressing their joy and happiness in connection with the development processes in progress in our region. After that the performance of the Old Kerka National Folks Dance Group entertained the audience, and it was followed by the exotic-animal show which children had already looked forward to watching.


    Mihály Pillmayer who arrived here from Tököl showed the guests different snakes, lizards, iguanas and agamas, so everyone could see them at close quarters. Before and during the performances and shows visitors could taste different herb teas, participate in a potter show and in a craftsmen’s workshop, furthermore, they could make leather bracelets, pine-cone-elves and lavender-dolls; the youngest guests were fascinated by the skill developing children’s activities of the Mikka Makka playhouse, the folks playground and by the railway-model-show.


    The trains went back to both Lenti and to Kistolmács at the end of the event, and the panorama-carriage train as well. 210 persons travelled by the forest railway on the day of the Small-Forest-Railway-Day. The guests staying in Csömödér could enjoy the offered programmes until late afternoon.


    Anita Fűrné Kinsztler

    Photo taken by: Anita Fűrné Kinsztler



    Small-Forest-Railway-Day with the project partners together



    Small-Forest-Railway-Day 2017